Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Latest news:

The daily death toll of civilian victims in Syria on September 1, 2024

SNHR documented the extrajudicial killings of 3 civilians, including 2 children, by Unidentified parties, on Sunday, September 1, 2024. SNHR issues this daily brief report of...

Boy killed, another injured, by the explosion of two cluster bomblets in E. Hama, September 1, 2024

On September 1, 2024, a boy, identified as seven-year-old Mer’ie Faisal al-Mer’ie, was killed, and his cousin, identified as six-year-old Nayef Fawwaz al-Mer’ie, was...

13 civilians injured in a drone regime attack in W. Aleppo, September 2, 2024

On September 2, 2024, Syrian regime forces used four...

Three children injured by a landmine of unidentified source in N. Aleppo, August 31, 2024

On August 31, 2024, three children were slightly wounded...


Daily Death Toll

The daily death toll of civilian victims in Syria on September 1, 2024

SNHR documented the extrajudicial killings of 3 civilians, including 2 children, by Unidentified parties, on Sunday, September 1, 2024. SNHR issues this daily...

The daily death toll of civilian victims in Syria on August 26, 2024

SNHR documented the extrajudicial killings of 4 civilians, including a child, by Syrian Regime forces and Unidentified parties, on Monday, August 26,...



Attacks on Civilian Facilities

13 civilians injured in a drone regime attack in W. Aleppo, September 2, 2024

On September 2, 2024, Syrian regime forces used four kamikaze drones to strike Kafr Nouran village in western rural Aleppo governorate. The drones struck...

Solar Energy Water Station damaged in a ground regime attack in S. Idlib, August 17, 2024

On August 17, 2024, Syrian regime artillery forces fired a shell at Kourin village in southern rural Idlib governorate. The shell landed near the...

Syrian regime forces bomb Omar bin Abdul Aziz Mosque in E. Idlib, August 16, 2024

On August 16, 2024, a Syrian regime artillery detachment...

Syrian regime forces bomb Omar bin Abdul Aziz Mosque in E. Deir Ez-Zour, August 12, 2024

On August 12, 2024, Syrian regime artillery forces fired...

SNA forces bomb a school in NW. Aleppo, August 7, 2024

On August 7, 2024, Syrian National Army (SNA) artillery...


Syrian regime force use incendiary ammunition in western rural Aleppo governorate, October 20, 2023

On October 20, 2023, Syrian regime force used a...

Man named Ahmad Hani Qanat killed by a cluster bomb in southern Daraa governorate, October 21, 2023

A 19-year-old man, identified as Ahmad Hani Qanat, from...

Remnants of a missile fired by Russian forces in western Idlib on September 8

This exclusive photo for SNHR shows the remnants of...

Remnants of a missile fired by Syrian regime forces at Daraa al Balad area in Daraa city on September 5

This photo shared online on September 5, 2021, shows...

All news

Mr. Jumaa died in government detention center, February 23

Awad Qasem Joumaa, from Damascus suburbs -Ad-Dmier city, his family told us on 23 February, 2015 that he was tortured to death in a...

(5) victims killed by government forces on February 24

SNHR documented up to this moment, Tuesday 24 February 2015, the killing of (5) victims by Government forces in Damascus suburbs, Homs and Hama. وثقت...

Statistics of arrests, raids and releases on February 23

SNHR documented on Monday, 23 February 2015: Arrests: Government forces: seven Extremist groups: two Releases: Government forces: six Extremist groups: one Raids: Government forces: carried out one raid that resulted in detention Missings:...

Government forces shelled a school in Al-Halk neighborhood in Aleppo governorate on February 23

SNHR: On 23 February, 2015, government forces helicopters dropped a barrel bomb on Abu-Bakr Ar-Razi School in Aleppo - Al-Halk neighborhood to wound two...

(7) tortured to death by government forces on February 23

On 23 February 2015, SNHR documented (7) victims who were tortured to death, by government forces. وثقت الشبكة السورية لحقوق الإنسان مقتل (7) أشخاص تحت...

(1) woman killed by government forces on February 23

On 23 February 2015, SNHR documented the killing of (1) woman, by government forces. وثقت الشبكة السورية لحقوق الإنسان مقتل (1) سيدة واحدة، على يد...

The Injured and Patients


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