Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeCasualtiesSyrian Regime forces

Syrian Regime forces

Government employee Mohammad Marwan al-Atar dies due to torture in regime detention centers, June 1, 2024

Mohammad Marwan Yassin al-Atar, a man from al-Qsair city in southern rural Homs governorate, born in 1969, a government employee at the Agriculture Directorate...

Father and son shot dead by Syrian regime forces in N. Daraa, May 30, 2024

A man, identified as Basman Manoukh al-Houshan, and his son Ahmad were shot dead on May 30, 2024, by personnel from the pro-regime People’s...

SNHR Condemns Syrian Regime Forces Forcibly Disappearing Jamal al-Matni for Nearly Three Years, Killing Him, then Registering Him as Dead in the Civil Registry...

SNHR Reiterates Its Calls for the US Administration to Take the Harshest Measures Possible Against the Syrian Regime for Killing a US Citizen Under...

Two boys killed, a third injured, in a ground regime attack in W. Aleppo, May 28, 2024

Two boys, identified as Mahmoud Mohammad Darwish and Ryad Adel Rahal, were killed, and an infant was critically injured, in an artillery attack on...

SNHR Condemns Syrian Regime for Killing Doctor Majd Kamalmaz Under Torture After Eight Years of Enforced Disappearance

SNHR Calls on the US Administration to Take All Measures Possible Against the Syrian Regime for Killing a US Citizen Under Torture In May 2024,...

Man named Mahmoud Hasana dies on May 9, 2024, of wounds sustained on May 1 from a regime gunshot near the Syrian-Lebanese borders

A man, identified as Mahmoud Mohammad Rabea Hasana from al-Jalloum al-Kubra neighborhood in Aleppo city, born in 1995, died on May 9, 2024, of...

SNHR Condemns Syrian Regime Forces’ Detention of Lawyer Thamer al-Talla and His Subsequent Death in a Regime Detention Center due to Medical Negligence

Thamer Habib al-Talla, a lawyer from Hasaka city, was arrested by Syrian regime forces in late April 2024, outside the Palace of Justice in...



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