Saturday, September 7, 2024
HomeArrestArmed Opposition factions/ NA

Armed Opposition factions/ NA

Syrian National Army arrested civilians from Deir Ballout village in Aleppo, on May 12

SNHR: on May 12, members of Syrian National Army arrested four civilians from Deir Ballout village which is administratively a part of Afrin city...

The Syrian National Army arrested by an elderly person in Sheikh al Hadid (Sheyyah) county in Aleppo suburbs, on April 20

The elderly Fawzi Ahmad Daghli, aged 70, from Sheikh al Hadid (Sheyyah) county which is administratively a part of Afrin city in the northern...

The Syrian National Army arrested an engineer in Sharran town in Aleppo, on April 7

The engineer Fahmi Abdou, a member of the local council in Sharran town which is administratively a part of Afrin city in the northern...

The Syrian National Army arrested two civilians in Bremja village in Aleppo, on April 7

Kamiran Subhi Qasou and Muhammad Abdou Rashid, from Breimja village which is administratively a part of the northern suburbs of Aleppo governorate, were arrested...

The Syrian National Army arrested civilians in Ba’danli village in Aleppo, on April 6

SNHR: on April 6, 2020, the Syrian National Army raided Ba’danli village which is administratively a part of Afrin city in the northern suburbs...

The Syrian National Army arrested civilians in Burj Haidar village in Aleppo, on April 3

SNHR: The Syrian National Army forces raided on Burj Haidar village which is administratively a part of Afrin city in the northern suburbs of...

A faction of the Armed Opposition arrested a civilian in Ma’mal Oshaghi village in Aleppo, on Apr 1

Murad Ahmad Battal, from Ma’mal Oshaghi village which is administratively a part of Afrin city in the northern suburbs of Aleppo governorate, was arrested...



Must read