Saturday, July 27, 2024

Latest news:

Boy named Mohammad al-Shibli shot and killed by SDF, US-led International Coalition in a joint raid in S. Hasaka, July 25, 2024

A boy, identified as 13-year-old Mohammad Farhan al-Shebli from Harir al-Hatem village in Markada town in southern rural Hasaka governorate, was shot and killed on...

Man named Yasser al-Taha shot dead by SDF personnel in E. Aleppo, July 26, 2024

A man, identified as 30-year-old Yasser al-Taha from Abu Kahf village in eastern rural Aleppo governorate, was shot and killed on July 26, 2024,...

The daily death toll of civilian victims in Syria on July 25, 2024

SNHR documented the extrajudicial killings of 7 civilians, including...

HTS arrests a man named Subhi Qarmou in Idlib, July 25, 2024

A man, identified as Subhi Qarmou from Kafr Takhareem...


Daily Death Toll

The daily death toll of civilian victims in Syria on July 25, 2024

SNHR documented the extrajudicial killings of 7 civilians, including a child, by International Coalition forces, Syrian Democratic forces and Unidentified parties, on...

The daily death toll of civilian victims in Syria on July 21, 2024

SNHR documented the extrajudicial killings of 3 civilians, by Unidentified parties, on Sunday, July 21, 2024. SNHR issues this daily brief report of...



Attacks on Civilian Facilities

Six civilians injured in a ground regime attack in E. Idlib, July 3, 2024

On July 3, 2024, Syrian regime forces fired multiple artillery shells and 10 rockets targeting Sarmin city and its vicinity in eastern rural Idlib...

Syrian regime forces bomb al-Zubair ben al-Awwam Mosque in E. Idlib, July 2, 2024

On July 2, 2024, Syrian regime artillery forces fired a shell at Afis village in eastern rural Idlib governorate, which directly hit al-Zubair ben...


Syrian regime force use incendiary ammunition in western rural Aleppo governorate, October 20, 2023

On October 20, 2023, Syrian regime force used a...

Man named Ahmad Hani Qanat killed by a cluster bomb in southern Daraa governorate, October 21, 2023

A 19-year-old man, identified as Ahmad Hani Qanat, from...

Remnants of a missile fired by Russian forces in western Idlib on September 8

This exclusive photo for SNHR shows the remnants of...

Remnants of a missile fired by Syrian regime forces at Daraa al Balad area in Daraa city on September 5

This photo shared online on September 5, 2021, shows...

All news

(7) children killed by government forces on February 1

On 1 February 2015, SNHR documented the killing of (7) children, by government forces. وثقت الشبكة السورية لحقوق الإنسان مقتل (7) أطفال، على يد القوات...

Victims died in government forces shelling on Sayda town in Daraa governorate on February 1

SNHR: Three killed, including two women, by government forces warplanes in Daraa - Sayda town on 1 February. الشبكة السورية: 3 ضحايا، بينهم سيدتين، جراء...

A man, from Raqqa, died in government detention center, February 1

Abu-Bakr Mohammad Jasim Al-Aboud, from Ar-Raqqa city, was arrested about 19 months ago by government forces, his family told us on 1 February that...

A child arrested by al Nusra front in Ma’rat An-Nu’man city in Idlib governorate on February 1

SNHR: On 1 February, An-Nussra Front arrested a 14-year-old child in Idlib - Ma'rat An-Nu'man city الشبكة السورية: في 1 شباط، قامت جبهة النصرة باعتقال...

Massacre in government forces shelling on Boayedeen neighborhood in Aleppo governorate on February 1

SNHR: Five victims at least (four chlidren and a woman) were killed, by helicopters dropping two barrel bombs, on Boayedeen neighborhood - Aleppo, on...

(21) victims killed by government forces on February 1

SNHR documented up to this moment, Sunday 1 February 2015, the killing of (21) victims by Government forces in different Syrian Governorates. وثقت الشبكة السورية...

The Injured and Patients


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