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Remnants of a missile fired by Russian forces in western Idlib on September 8

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This exclusive photo for SNHR shows the remnants of a mid-range missile which we believe was fired by Russian forces at a farm near Tal Sahan in Sahl al Rouj in Idlib governorate’s western suburbs on September 8, 2022.

SNHR are still investigating if the missile was loaded with cluster munitions.

This missile coincided with a number of missiles that were fired during airstrikes by fixed-wing warplanes which we believe were Russian at a hilly area near al Ghafr village near Tal Sahan.

Through this indiscriminate bombardment, the Russian forces have again violated the rules of international humanitarian law which stress the distinction between civilians and combatants.

Remnants of a missile fired by Russian forces in western Idlib on September 8