A ten-year-old boy named Taher Mahmoud Abdul Rahman al-Jarban was killed and his brother was wounded on November 19, 2022, by remnants from previous...
Mustafa Ali al-Salama, from Daman village, which is administratively affiliated with al-Bseira city in the eastern suburbs of Deir Ez-Zour governorate, was shot dead...
SNHR documented the extrajudicial killings of three civilians including a child, by Syrian regime forces and Unidentified parties, on Sunday, November 20, 2022, with...
SNHR documented the extrajudicial killings of eight civilians including two children, by Syrian regime forces and Unidentified parties, on Saturday, November 19, 2022, with...
Ahmad Mohammad al-Zu'bi, boy aged 8, and his uncle Ahmad al-Zu'bi, aged 37, from al-Mleiha al-Sharqiya, eastern suburbs of Daraa governorate. They were shot...
SNHR documented the extrajudicial killings of three civilians, by Unidentified parties, on Friday, November 18, 2022.
SNHR issues this daily brief report of the death...