A five-year-old child, named as Laith Mansour, internally displaced with his family from al-Rastan city in northern Homs governorate, was killed and two other...
SNHR documented the extrajudicial killings of five civilians including a woman, by Syrian Democratic forces and Unidentified parties, on Saturday, October 29, 2022, with...
A so-far unidentified suicide bomber blew himself up (using, we believe, an explosive belt) in a house where several civilians were present in al-Araba'in...
Naser al-Abd al-Hamad was arrested on October 26, 2022, in his home village of Jazrat Boushams, which is administratively affiliated to al-Kasra town, western...
Thirty-five-year-old Khadr Salim al-Wadi, from al-Mazra'a town in the western suburbs of Suwayda governorate, was arrested by Syrian regime servicemen on October 25, 2022...