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Body of a man named Mohammad al-Haj Ali found in E. Daraa, August 11, 2024

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On August 11, 2024, the body of a man, identified as Mohammad Ziad al-Haj Ali from Kherbt Ghazala town in eastern rural Daraa governorate, was found bearing gunshot wounds by local residents on the Damascus-Daraa highway between the two towns of Ibta’ and Kherbt Ghazala in eastern Daraa governorate. Mohammad’s body was found after he had gone missing one day earlier. The area is under the control of Syrian regime forces.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) notes that Mohammad is a civilian who had never been involved with any military formation.
SNHR has not yet been able to identify Mohammad’s killers as of this writing, with the controlling forces bearing responsibility for identifying his killers.

Body of a man named Mohammad al-Haj Ali found in E. Daraa, August 11, 2024