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Two girls shot and injured by SDF in E. Aleppo, September 26, 2024

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Two girls, identified as 10-year-old Amani Hussein al-Mohammad and 12-year-old Hala al-Safri both from Um Udasat al-Farat village in northwestern Manbij city in eastern Aleppo governorate, were shot and injured by Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) personnel who opened fire indiscriminately in the direction of the the village in front of one of the group’s outposts in west of the village. The two girls were taken to the al-Furat ‘Euphrates’ Hospital in Manbij city for treatment. The area is under the control of the SDF.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) notes that, through targeting civilians, the SDF has violated international human rights law. The perpetrators must be held accountable.

Two girls shot and injured by SDF in E. Aleppo, September 26, 2024