Friday, October 18, 2024
HomeDisplacement and Forced Displacement

Displacement and Forced Displacement

refugee civilian’s body discovered in al Hawl Camp in Hasaka on Mar 22, and unprecedented rise in killings in the camp

The body of a 23-year-old refugee Iraqi civilian, named as Alaa Nabyan Hammad, was discovered in Section One in al Hawl IDP Camp near...

Storm hit dozens of IDP camps in northwest of Syria on March 11, exposing IDPs to further suffering

On March 11, 2021, a storm hit the area of IDP camps in the suburbs of Aleppo and Idlib in northwestern Syria, resulting in...

Displaced girl died in a fire in an IDP camp in north of Idlib on March 8

A displaced girl from al Latamena town in the northwestern suburbs of Hama governorate, named as Asinat Mazen al Hamoud, died on March 8,...

Burning of a number of tents in IDP camp in Idlib suburbs on March 2

Fire broke out in Mazra’et Hamdoush IDP Camp near Heir Jamous village in Idlib suburbs on March 2, 2021, when a heater exploded inside...

SNHR renews appeal to release all detainees in the al Hawl IDP Camp

A fire broke out in Section Four of al Hawl IDP Camp when a heater fell inside one of the rooms in the shelter...

Syrian regime forces loot the cladding material of a school in Saraqeb city in Idlib suburbs

The top photo, taken on February 22, 2021, shows that even the cladding materials of Jum’ah Hajj Hussein School in Saraqeb city in the...

Appeal for urgent aid for IDPs in northwest Syria after a rainstorm hit the area on the night of January 30

IDP camps in northwest Syria witnessed a torrential rainstorm on the night of January 30, which further exacerbated the already dire living conditions of...



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