On November 6, 2023, personnel from the Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF) Military Police intensified their arrests of civilians at one of their checkpoints, al-Khattaf...
A 15-year-old boy, identified as Omar Helal al-Hamdi, was abducted for military conscription on November 4, 2023, by personnel from the Syrian Democratic Forces’...
A 13-year-old child, identified as Abdul Karim al-Hmoud al-Shalili, was arrested on November 5, 2023, by Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) personnel who raided his...
A 17-year-old boy, identified as Ubai al-Hussein from Hassan Agha village, administratively affiliated with Manbij city in eastern rural Aleppo governorate, was abducted for...
On November 1, 2023, personnel from the Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF) Military Police intensified their arrests of civilians at their checkpoints in Manbij city...
A boy, identified as 14-year-old Hussein Sarrout al-Mashi from al-Mashi village, administratively affiliated with Manbij city in eastern rural Aleppo governorate, was abducted for...