A young girl with special needs, identified as Maya Izzdin Shaker, was abducted for military conscription on January 20, 2024, by the Syrian Democratic...
A girl, identified as 15-year-old Domou al-Hassan, was abducted for military conscription on January 25, 2024, by the Syrian Democratic Forces’ (SDF) al-Shabiba al-Thawriya,...
SNHR documented the extrajudicial killings of 4 civilians, including a child, by Unidentified parties, on Saturday, January 27, 2024.
SNHR issues this daily brief report...
Two boys, identified as 16-year-old Walid Khaled al-Sfouq and 13-year-old Mohammad Karim al-Dleim, were killed on January 25, 2024, by the explosion of a...