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Civilian killed and market damaged in NE. Aleppo governorate in a suicide bomber blast on June 7

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A suicide bomber blew himself up with an explosive belt in the middle of al Ra’ie town’s market in the northeastern suburbs of Aleppo governorate on June 7, 2021, killing a displaced man from Deir Hafer city in east of the governorate, named as Muhammad Ali al Ali, and injuring seven civilians in addition to severely damaging a number of shops. SNHR is still trying to contact witnesses to obtain more details of the incident.
SNHR condemns all attacks of this nature which target and kill civilians and calls on the governing forces in each area to bear responsibility for protecting civilians in the areas under their control, and to conduct investigations into all such incidents and reveal their findings to the public. Stability will not be achieved in Syria without achieving a political transition towards democracy implemented according to a strict timetable.