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HomeNewsCasualtiesMr. Hamdan, from Damascus suburbs governorate, died in government detention center, February...


Mr. Hamdan, from Damascus suburbs governorate, died in government detention center, February 11

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Samer Barakat Hamdan, from Damascus suburbs – Mu’damyat Ash-Sham city, he was arrested by government forces on 8 July, 2013, his family told us that they were informed that he was tortured to death inside a detention center.

سامر بركات حمدان، من أبناء مدينة معضمية الشام بريف دمشق، اعتقلته القوات الحكومية بتاريخ 8 تموز 2013، أخبرنا أهله أنهم تأكدوا في 11 شباط من خبر وفاته تحت التعذيب في أحد مراكز الاحتجاز.