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Man named Mahmoud al-Abdullah killed by a landmine of unidentified source in al-Rukban area near the Syrian-Jordanian borders, June 7, 2024

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A man, identified as Mahmoud Ahmad Ali al-Abdullah from Mahin town in eastern rural Homs governorate, was killed on June 7, 2024, by the explosion of a landmine of as yet unidentified source, while he was driving his motorbike in the al-Bawib Well site that separates the areas under the control of Syrian regime forces and Area 55 which is under the control of armed opposition factions and the US-led International Coalition forces in al-Rukban area in eastern Homs governorate near the Syrian-Jordanian borders. Mahmoud was trying to smuggle food supplies from regime areas to the al-Rukban Camp.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) is still trying to locate eyewitnesses to obtain more information about the incident.

We have documented hundreds of deaths and injuries resulting from landmine explosions, which pose a serious, long-term threat, especially to children, that will last for years to come.

Man named Mahmoud al-Abdullah killed by a landmine of unidentified source in al-Rukban area near the Syrian-Jordanian borders, June 7, 2024