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Man named Mohammad al-Assoul killed by a war remnant of unidentified source in E. Daraa, November 17, 2023

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A 37-year-old man, identified as Mohammad Mer’ie al-Assoul from Seda al-Joulan in southern rural Qunietira governorate, was killed on November 17, 2023, by the explosion of a war remnant, whose source we have not been able to identify, while he was working on agricultural land in al-Ghariya al-Gharbiya town in eastern rural Daraa governorate.

The is under the control of Syrian regime forces. The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) notes that war remnants continue to pose a serious threat to civilians’ lives. We have released numerous reports on cluster munitions and other war remnants, calling for securing equipment to help local residents safely dispose of the various explosive remnants.

Man named Mohammad al-Assoul killed by a war remnant of unidentified source in E. Daraa, November 17, 2023