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HomeNewsCasualtiesMan named Ali al-Barghouli killed in a ground attack by unidentified parties...


Man named Ali al-Barghouli killed in a ground attack by unidentified parties in E. Aleppo, July 25, 2024

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A man, identified as Ali Ibrahim al-Barghouli from Arab Hassan Kabir village to the north of Manbij city in eastern rural Aleppo governorate, was killed by a rocket shell fired by unidentified parties that landed in front of his house in his home village, amid clashes between Syrian National Army (SNA) personnel and Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) personnel near the village. The area is under the control of the SDF.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) suspects that the attack was carried out by either the SNA or the SDF, considering that the village is located on the dividing lines between the territories controlled by the two parties. Investigations are still ongoing to accurately identify the party responsible.

Man named Ali al-Barghouli killed in a ground attack by unidentified parties in E. Aleppo, July 25, 2024