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Child killed by a hand grenade in eastern Aleppo governorate, July 1, 2023

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A child, identified as 16-year-old Mohammad Mustafa al-Jbara from Khfayyat Abu Qalqal village in the southeastern suburbs of Manbij city in the eastern suburbs of Aleppo governorate, was killed on July 1, 2023, by the explosion of a hand grenade thrown by an unidentified individual at Mohammad’s family’s house in the Dawwar al-Batta neighborhood in Manbij city while the family were asleep. The explosion also wounded Mohammad’s brother.

The area is under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) is trying to locate eyewitnesses to obtain more information about the incident.

We condemn all killings of civilians, and call on the controlling forces to uphold their responsibilities for protecting civilians in their areas, to investigate this incident, and to make the findings of the investigation known to the public. Syria will never have true stability without a genuine political transition process towards democracy within a fixed timetable.

Child killed by a hand grenade in eastern Aleppo governorate, July 1, 2023