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HomeNewsCasualtiesWoman killed by unidentified gunmen in northern Daraa governorate, June 21, 2023


Woman killed by unidentified gunmen in northern Daraa governorate, June 21, 2023

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A woman, identified as 40-year-old Aida Ibrahim Husni al-Housan from Mahajja town in the northern suburbs of Daraa governorate, was shot dead on June 21, 2023, by gunmen we have not yet been able to identify who raided her home in the town late at night and killed her. The area is under the control of Syrian regime forces.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) has not yet been able to identify Aida’s killers as of this writing. The controlling forces bear responsibility to identify the killers.

Woman killed by unidentified gunmen in northern Daraa governorate, June 21, 2023