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Multiple civilians injured by heavy machine gun shell remnants that landed on an IDP camps in Izaz city in northern Aleppo, April 30, 2023

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On April 30, 2023, three civilians, including one woman, sustained injuries of varying degrees from the explosion of remnants of heavy machine gun shells that had fallen on Kafr al-Zaitoun Camp near Izaz city in the northern suburbs of Aleppo after being fired by members of the ‘Katibat al-Muthanna’ (al-Muthanna Brigade) which is affiliated with the‘Ahrar al-Sham Movement’ (the Freemen of the Levant), a Syrian National Army (SNA) faction. The military personnel in question had fired multiple explosive shells at the outskirts of Izaz city while they were testing the machine gun. The area is under the SNA’s control.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) condemns these actions and holds the controlling forces responsible for holding the individuals involved to account.

Multiple civilians injured by heavy machine gun shell remnants that landed on an IDP camps in Izaz city in northern Aleppo, April 30, 2023