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HomeNewsCasualtiesCivilian killedby international coalition forces in eastern Deir Ez-Zour suburbs, February 22,2023


Civilian killedby international coalition forces in eastern Deir Ez-Zour suburbs, February 22,2023

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Fadi Rafeaal-Daoud, a civilian from the village of Jdeed Ekidat in the eastern suburbs ofDeir Ez-Zour, was shot dead on February 22, 2023, by an international coalitionhelicopter during a raid on his home in the village by a Syrian DemocraticForces (SDF) patrol, backed by the helicopter . The village is under thecontrol of the SDF.

Whether throughindiscriminate or deliberate bombardment that failed to distinguish betweencivilians and fighters, international coalition forces have again violatedinternational humanitarian law, which constitutes a war crime. The SyrianNetwork for Human Rights has recorded thousands of killings by internationalcoalition forces sincetheir intervention began on September 23, 2014. Over3,000 civilian Syrian citizens have been killed by international coalitionforces. The international community must intervene to protect civilians inSyria from the ongoing bloodbath.

Civilian killedby international coalition forces in eastern Deir Ez-Zour suburbs, February 22,2023