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A child was killed by the explosion of a landmine in northern Hama on October 1

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Seventeen-year-old child, Samer Ahmad al Mekhlef al Khuwailed, from Sarha village in eastern Hama governorate, was killed and his brother was wounded on October 1, 2022, after the explosion of a landmine planted by an unidentified source in the vicinity of al Jabin village in northern Hama governorate, which is controlled by Syrian regime forces.

SNHR is still trying to reach out to witnesses to the incident to obtain more details.

SNHR calls on the controlling forces to protect civilians in areas under their control, reveal the location of landmines, and remove them.

We have documented hundreds of deaths and injuries due to explosions of landmines, which will continue to constitute a threat to civilians in these areas, especially children, for years to come.

A child was killed by the explosion of a landmine in northern Hama on October 1