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Three children killed by the explosion of a mine in southern Homs on September 3

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Three children from the same family, Muhammad Adnan al Hamad, Fadi Marwan al Hamad, and Mubarak Halayel al Hamad, aged 10, 11, and 13 respectively, were killed on September 3, 2022 by the explosion of a landmine planted by an unknown party. The children were herding sheep west of al Dab’a village in Homs governorate southern suburbs, which is controlled by the Syrian regime forces, at the time of the incident.

SNHR is still trying to reach eyewitnesses for more details on the incident.

SNHR calls on the controlling forces to protect the civilians in its areas of control, and reveal the location of planted mines and remove them.

We have recorded hundreds of deaths and injuries due to explosions of mines, which will continue to constitute a great threat to civilians, especially children, for years to come.

Three children killed by the explosion of a mine in southern Homs on September 3