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HomeNewsArrestSDF arrested a civilian in al Hous village in Raqqa suburbs on...


SDF arrested a civilian in al Hous village in Raqqa suburbs on August 3

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A man from al Hous village in the eastern suburbs of Raqqa governorate, named as M’alla al Ejail al Hamlah, was arrested by Syrian Democratic Forces on August 3, 2020, during a raid on his workplace in the village and taken to an undisclosed location.
SNHR notes that no members of M’alla’s family were informed of his arrest, and his phone was taken from him, preventing him from contacting his family. SNHR fears that he will be subjected to torture and ultimately classified as forcibly ‘disappeared’ like approximately 85 percent of the detained people.
SNHR notes that approximately 3,337 Syrian citizens are still detained or forcibly disappeared in the SDF’s detention centers, constituting a grave threat to their wellbeing.