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HomeNewsHay’at Tahrir al Sham established an additional accountability body: al Hesba Body...


Hay’at Tahrir al Sham established an additional accountability body: al Hesba Body to restrict the population in its areas of control

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At the beginning of May 2020, Hay’at Tahrir al Sham implements accountability body: al Hesba Body named al Falah Center, which is supervised by individuals with foreign nationalities. SNHR notices that a number of cars affiliated with the new accountability body were distributed in markets and public gathering places in Idlib city. Which aim to restrict on the people in the areas under its control, and more control over private human affairs, where it is forbidden for women to sit with men in restaurants and offices, and for women to enter any store if the seller is alone, forbidden to smoke Shisha in public, and prohibits certain types of men’s shaving, in addition to many acts of severe intervention in regard with details of personal human liberties, according to the perspective of its strict ideology which is imposed it by force on Syrian society, and fins violators of these extremist laws.

SNHR condemns such extremist practices, which are violations of the most basic standards of international human rights law, which clearly stipulates freedom of movement, clothing and mobility. The rest states of the world must help Syrian society in getting rid of extremist organizations that feed in chaos, by taking serious steps in accordance with a specific and strict timetable for achieving a political transition towards democracy that guarantees stability and human rights.