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HomeNewsCasualtiesThe death of a man from Damascus governorate due to torture in...


The death of a man from Damascus governorate due to torture in government detention center, March 28

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Hani Juman, from Yarmouk refugee camp in Damascus, at the age of 25 years, was arrested by government forces in January 2014, his family confirmed his death under torture in Palestine security branch on March 28, 2015
هاني جمعان، من أبناء مخيم اليرموك بدمشق، يبلغ من العمر 25 عاماً، اعتقلته القوات الحكومية في شهر كانون الثاني 2014، أخبرنا أهله أنهم تأكدوا من وفاته تحت التعذيب بفرع فلسطين في 28 آذار 2015

هاني جمعان