Sunday, September 8, 2024
HomeThe Injured and Patients

The Injured and Patients

The injury of a Civil Defense member in a bombing by Russian forces on al Sahhara village in Aleppo, on Feb 15

Mustafa al Shallou, a member of Civil Defense- al Atareb Center, from al Atareb city in the western suburbs of Aleppo governorate, was injured...

The injury of two SCD members in a bombing by Russian forces in Iffes village in Idlib, on Feb 3

The brother Muhammad and Ahmad Ali Basha, members of Civil Defense- Binnesh Center, were injured as fixed- wing warplanes we believe were Russian fired...

The injury of media activist in a bombing by Syrian regime in Qmainas village in Idlib, on Feb 3

The media activist Mustafa al Khalaf, a reporter of Syria TV, from Qmainas village in the northern suburbs of Idlib governorate, was injured as...

An elderly woman was wounded in a bombing by Syrian regime on Saraqeb city in Idlib, on Dec 24

Image showing an elderly woman was wounded as Syrian regime fixed- wing warplanes carried out a strike using heavy machine guns on Saraqeb city...

A child was wounded in a bombing by Russian forces in Tal Mardikh village in Idlib, on December 19

Image showing a child was wounded as fixed- wing warplanes we believe were Russian fired missiles on Tal Mardikh village in the eastern suburbs...

A wounded child in a shelling by Syrian regime on Talmennes town in Idlib, on December 17

Image showing a child was wounded in a strike carried out by Syrian regime forces fixed- wing warplanes using heavy machine guns on Talmennes...

The injury of members of SCD in a shelling by Syrian- Russian Alliance on Bkafla village in Idlib, on Nov 27

Ahmad Sheghri, Alaa Hawwash, Osama al Hussein and Ali Qaiqouni, members of Civil Defense, were injured as Syrian- Russian Alliance forces fired surface- to...



Must read