Monday, September 16, 2024
HomeThe Injured and Patients

The Injured and Patients

Worshipers overcrowd in a mosque in Idlib in “al Taraweeh” prayer shows the lack of awareness & social commitment towards the risk of COVID-19...

An image spreads on internet website shows an overcrowded mosque where worshipers were converging. We are able to identify the site and date of...

Overcrowding of Syrian citizens in the Examination Department in Hama amid of COVID-19 pandemic spread

Image showing citizens overcrowd in the Examinations Department at Directorate of Education in Hama governorate to register for the General Certification Examination for free...

Overcrowding of Syrian citizens in front of the Examination Department in Tartus city

Image showing civilians overcrowd in front of the Examinations Department at Directorate of Education in Tartus city. We note that the Syrian regime declare...

The explosion of an unknown- source IED in Idlib city, on April 19

SNHR: an unknown- source IED placed inside a car exploded in Idlib city, resulting in the injury of two civilians, including a child, and...

IDPs in northwest Syria are under the risk of the spread of COVID-19 if it appears

Image shows the two destroyed buildings of the Mamdouh Shu’aib High School and Fardi Abeid Primary School, in Binnesh city in the northern suburbs...

Overcrowding in Ghwayran Prison controlled by SDF in Hasaka amid of spread of COVID-19 epidemic

A video recorded by a surveillance camera showing the overcrowding of a great number of detainees in cells of Ghwayran Prison located in Hasaka...

Syrian citizens overcrowd at bread stall in Hama city amid spread of coronavirus disease

Image show Syrian citizens overcrowd at bread stalls in al Ba’ath neighborhood in Hama city. We note that Syrian regime declared the first infected...



Must read