Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Civilians executed by Daesh in Al-Kashkiya village in Der Ezzor governorate on January 15

SNHR: Daesh executed three people in Der Ezzor - Al-Kashkiya village over accusations of opposing the faction and refusing to repent on 15 January الشبكة...

(11) victims by government forces on January 15

SNHR documented up to this moment, Thursday 15 January, the killing of (11) victims by Government forces in different Syrian Governorates. وثقت الشبكة السورية لحقوق...

(4) women killed by government forces on January 14

On 14 January, (4) women have been killed, by government forces as documented by SNHR. بلغت حصيلة يوم 14 كانون الثاني، (4) سيدات، قتلن على...

(4) tortured to death by government forces on January 14

On 14 January, (4) have been tortured to death, by Government forces as documented by SNHR. بلغت حصيلة يوم 14 كانون الثاني، (4) أشخاص قضوا...

(12) children killed by government forces on January 14

On 14 January, (12) children have been killed, by government forces as documented by SNHR. بلغت حصيلة يوم 14 كانون الثاني، (12) طفل، قتلوا على...

(43) victims killed by government forces on January 14

SNHR documented up to this moment, Wednesday 14 January, the killing of (43) victims by Government forces in different Syrian Governorates. وثقت الشبكة السورية لحقوق...

A victim died in government forces shelling on Jazraya village in Aleppo governorate on January 14

SNHR: One killed, in Aleppo by government forces warplanes' shelling on Jazraya village, on 14 January الشبكة السورية: ضحية، جراء قصف الطيران الحربي الحكومي قرية...



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