SNHR has received a video showing a group of children running behind a tractor transporting household waste to the local landfill area to scavenge for food. local activists told us that the video was filmed at the landfill depot located in the center of a number of IDPs camps, with the footage showing the Halab Lebbeih camp near al Bashir Camp to the east of Kafr Luosin village in the northern suburbs of Idlib governorate, on December 1, 2020.
SNHR affirms that there are at least 1.5 million displaced children in the northwest of Syria of the nearly four million Syrian citizens there, the vast majority of whom have been forcibly displaced from their homes, with these children the most vulnerable group among all the Syrian people. The arbitrary Russian veto in the Security Council, which resulted in the closure of Bab al Salama crossing, doubled the suffering of the IDPs, with children being the worst affected among them, due to various factors, including instability, repeated waves of displacement and many of the children’s loss of one or both parents, as well as the spread of poverty, all of which have forced children to leave education, join the labor market, and work in dreadful conditions and performing jobs that are incompatible with their physical and mental abilities and developmental level, simply to secure their minimum needs and help their families provide some livelihood. All this means that children have been robbed of the most basic rights guaranteed by the UN’s convention on the rights of the child and international human rights law.
There will be no solution for the millions of displaced persons and none of the displaced will return in light of the brutality of the Syrian regime’s security services who have behaved in the same way since 2011 until now, and who still continue to commit violations against Syrian citizens, some of which reach the level of crimes against humanity; this in turn leads to further suffering for children, including the inability to secure a livelihood or to enrol in education, which in turn provides an opportunity for various exploitative parties, especially extremist organizations, to gain control over and influence these vulnerable children.