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HomeNewsCasualtiesMr. Ahmad died in government detention center, February 23


Mr. Ahmad died in government detention center, February 23

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AbdArrazaq Hussain al-Ahmad, University student, from al-Hreejy – Deir azZor, was arrested a year ago. His family told us on 23 February, 2015 that they were confirmed of his death under torture in one of the detention centers.

عبد الرزاق حسين الأحمد، طالب جامعي، من أبناء قرية الحريجي بديرالزور، اعتقلته القوات الحكومية منذ سنة، أخبرنا أهله في 23 شباط 2015 أنهم تأكدوا من وفاته تحت التعذيب بأحد مراكز الاحتجاز.

عبدالرزاق الأحمد