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HomeNewsCasualtiesA man, from Daraa, died in government detention center, February 17


A man, from Daraa, died in government detention center, February 17

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Mohammad Ahmad Al-Mohammad, from Daraa – Al-Msiefra town, his family told us on 17 February, 2015 that they were informed that he was tortured to death in a government forces detention center.

محمد أحمد المحمد، من أبناء بلدة المسيفرة بدرعا،أخبرنا أهله في 17 شباط 2015 أنهم تأكدوا من وفاته تحت التعذيب في أحد مراكز الاحتجاز التابعة للقوات الحكومية.