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HomeNewsCasualtiesMassacre in government forces shelling on Boayedeen neighborhood in Aleppo governorate on...


Massacre in government forces shelling on Boayedeen neighborhood in Aleppo governorate on February 1

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SNHR: Five victims at least (four chlidren and a woman) were killed, by helicopters dropping two barrel bombs, on Boayedeen neighborhood – Aleppo, on 1 February.
الشبكة السورية: 5 ضحايا على الأقل (4 أطفال وسيدة)، جراء إلقاء الطيران المروحي قنبلتين برميليتين على حي بعيدين بحلب، في 1 شباط.

ضحية في بعيدين 1 شباط 2015