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HomeNewsArrestCivilians arrested by Daesh in Ash-Shahil and Al-Kishkiya villages in Deir Az-Zor...


Civilians arrested by Daesh in Ash-Shahil and Al-Kishkiya villages in Deir Az-Zor governorate on January 30

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SNHR: On 30 January, Daesh carried out a raid and arresting campaign in Ash-Shahil and Al-Kishkiya villages. Five arrests of civilians were documented and taken to an undisclosed place.

الشبكة السورية: في 30 كانون الثاني، قام تنظيم داعش بحملة مداهمة واعتقال في قريتي الشحيل والكشكية بديرالزور، تم توثيق اعتقال 5 مدنيين، واقتيادهم إلى جهة مجهولة.