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Man named Abdul Qader Bakkour shot and killed amid a shootout between unidentified armed individuals and HTS personnel in N. Idlib, August 12, 2024

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A man, identified as Abdul Qader Loay Bakkour from Izaz city in northern rural Aleppo governorate, was shot and killed on August 12, 2024, amid clashes between unidentified armed individuals and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) personnel on the road connecting the two villages of Qah and Deir Hassan in northern rural Idlib governorate. The area is under the control of armed opposition factions and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) has not yet been able to identify the party responsible for Abdul Qader death. The controlling forces s must take responsibility for identifying the killers.

We condemn these clashes and call for a permanent and immediate ceasefire, and for compensating the victims.

Man named Abdul Qader Bakkour shot and killed amid a shootout between unidentified armed individuals and HTS personnel in N. Idlib, August 12, 2024