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HomeNewsCasualtiesBody of a woman named An’am al-Atma found in N. Daraa, July...


Body of a woman named An’am al-Atma found in N. Daraa, July 12, 2024

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On July 12, 2024, the body of a woman, identified as An’am Ismail al-Atma from al-Sanamayn city in northern rural Daraa governorate, was found bearing signs on her neck indicating she was strangled. The body was found by local residents inside her house in her home city after unidentified gunmen raided had her house and tied her husband. The area is under the control of Syrian regime forces.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) notes that An’am was known for dealing in witchcraft and sorcery.
SNHR has not yet been able to identify An’am’s killers as of this writing, with the controlling forces bearing responsibility for identifying her killers.

Body of a woman named An’am al-Atma found in N. Daraa, July 12, 2024