On January 28, 2025, a boy, identified as 16-year-old Jaber al-Sabra from al-Mazra’a town in western rural Suwayda governorate was killed, while his mother and three of his siblings were injured, by the explosion of a war remnant of unidentified source. The remnant exploded when Jaber was tampering with it in his family’s house in al-Mazra’a town. The area is under the control of the current transitional authorities in Syria.
The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) notes that war remnants continue to pose a serious threat to civilians’ lives. We have released numerous reports on cluster munitions and other war remnants, calling for securing equipment to help local residents to safely dispose of the various explosive remnants. We have also recorded the use of anti-personnel landmines (APLs) by Assad regime forces, posing a serious threat to anyone in the vicinity, especially children, for years to come. We have recorded hundreds of injuries that resulted from cluster munition remnants. The international community must intervene to protect the civilians in Syria from such lethal dangers.