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HomeNewsCasualtiesFour girls killed, one injured, by the explosion of a landmine of...


Four girls killed, one injured, by the explosion of a landmine of unidentified source in E. Aleppo, September 20, 2024

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Four girls, from al- Sfira city in eastern rural Aleppo governorate, were killed on September 20, 2024, by the explosion of a landmine of unidentified source while they were collecting plastic in an agricultural area on the outskirts of Kabrja village to the south of Manbij city in eastern Aleppo governorate. A fifth girl was injured in the explosion as well. The area is under the control of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) is still trying to locate eyewitnesses to obtain more information about the incident.
We call on the controlling forces to uphold their responsibilities for protecting civilians in areas under their control, and to locate and remove landmines planted in these areas. We have documented hundreds of deaths and injuries resulting from landmine explosions, which pose a serious, long-term threat, especially to children, that will last for years to come.

Four girls killed, one injured, by the explosion of a landmine of unidentified source in E. Aleppo, September 20, 2024