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HomeNewsCasualtiesBoy named Mahmoud Saeed killed by a gunshot of unidentified source in...


Boy named Mahmoud Saeed killed by a gunshot of unidentified source in E. Aleppo, August 17, 2024

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A boy, identified as 14-year-old Mahmoud Muslim Mohammad Saeed from Ras al-Ein city in northwestern rural Hasaka governorate, was killed on August 17, 2024, by a gunshot of unidentified source in Shran village to the east of his city of residence of Ein al-Arab in eastern rural Aleppo governorate. The area is under the control of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) has not yet been able to identify Mahmoud’s killers as of this writing. The controlling forces must take responsibility for identifying his killers.

Boy named Mahmoud Saeed killed by a gunshot of unidentified source in E. Aleppo, August 17, 2024