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HomeDisplacement and Forced DisplacementMan injured in a fire in al-Wafaa Camp in W. Idlib, July...


Man injured in a fire in al-Wafaa Camp in W. Idlib, July 12, 2024

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On July 12, 2024, a fire, caused by an electrical malfunction, broke out in al-Wafaa Camp for internally displaced persons (IDPs) in al-Jmiliya village in western rural Idlib governorate. One man sustained minor burn injuries. Additionally, two tents burned completely, and their tents were heavily destroyed, in the blaze. The area is under the control of armed opposition factions and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) calls on international relief organizations to meet the IDP camps’ urgent basic needs, and to supply the camps’ administration with additional tents for emergencies.

Man injured in a fire in al-Wafaa Camp in W. Idlib, July 12, 2024