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Rainfall causes material damage to IDPs camps in N. Idlib, March 21, 2024

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On March 21, 2024, heavy rainfall caused material damage to camps housing internally displaced persons (IDPs) in northern rural Idlib governorate. The rainwater seeped into the tents, formed torrents and muddy pools of water around them, flooded the surrounding area with raw sewage, cut off roads, and destroyed the walls of a number of tents. In total, 37 tents and temporary housing units in al-Anfal an Zamzam 2 Camps, located within the Atma Camps group, were damaged, while seven tents were completely destroyed and 15 partially destroyed in al-Maghsla Camp in Ram Hamdana village. Fifteen other tents were partially destroyed in Baram Abe al-Feda on the western outskirts of Sarmada city. The area is under the control of armed opposition factions and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS).

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) notes that that these repeated occurrences further worsen the already dire living conditions of IDPs, exacerbating their existing severe hardships. We urge international relief organizations, including the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), to urgently respond to the camps’ basic needs, and provide the camps’ administration with additional tens for emergencies.

Rainfall causes material damage to IDPs camps in N. Idlib, March 21, 2024