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HomeNewsCasualtiesBody of civilian Hajji al-Barhou found in NE. Aleppo, February 7, 2024


Body of civilian Hajji al-Barhou found in NE. Aleppo, February 7, 2024

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Hajji Shehada al-Barhou, a taxi driver from Kharija village in northwestern Manbij city in northeastern rural Aleppo governorate, was found by local residents near the transmission tower in al-Mazerl

neighborhood in the north of Manbij city. The area is under the control of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) has not yet been able to identify Hajji’s killers, with the controlling forces bearing responsibility for identifying his killers.

Body of civilian Hajji al-Barhou found in NE. Aleppo, February 7, 2024