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HomeDisplacement and Forced DisplacementHeavy rains cause damage in al-Hawl Camp in E. Hasaka, January 4,...


Heavy rains cause damage in al-Hawl Camp in E. Hasaka, January 4, 2024

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On January 4, 2024, heavy rainfall caused damage in al-Hawl camp in eastern Hasaka governorate, flooding a number of tents and deepening the suffering of the camp’s residents, some of whom had to take shelter in neighboring tents. The area is under the control of Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF).

The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) notes that these repeated occurrences further worsen the already dire living conditions of internally displaced persons (IDPs), exacerbating their existing hardships. We urge international relief organizations, including the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), to urgently respond to the camps’ basic needs, and provide camps’ administration with additional tens for emergencies.

Heavy rains cause damage in al-Hawl Camp in E. Hasaka, January 4, 2024