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Civilian dies due to torture in an SDF detention center, February 1, 2023

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Khalaf Ahmad al-Hamran from Jazaret Bouhmaid in the western suburbs of Deir Ez-Zour governorate a retired government employee who used to work at the governorate’s local electricity company, was arrested by Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) members in 2021 on charges of collaborating with Syrian regime forces and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment, which he was serving in an SDF detention center in Hasaka governorate. On February 1, 2023, SDF personnel informed his family he had died and returned his body to them. SNHR can confirm that Khalaf was in good health at the time of this arrest, which makes it highly likely that he died due torture and medical negligence in the SDF detention center.
The Syrian Network for Human Rights (SNHR) stresses that approximately 4,224 Syrian citizens are still arrested and/or forcibly disappeared in SDF detention centers. We are seriously concerned for their fate.
SNHR also notes that around 84 Syrian citizens have died due to torture in SDF detention centers.

Civilian dies due to torture in an SDF detention center, February 1, 2023