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HomeNewsCasualtiesChild killed in a cluster munition blast in western Idlib, November 20


Child killed in a cluster munition blast in western Idlib, November 20

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Child name Mohammad Saleh al-Daghli, was killed on November 20, 2022, by a cluster munition from a previous bombardment by the Syrian-Russian alliance in an agricultural land near al-Dghali village, which is administratively affiliated with Jesr al-Shoghour city, in western suburbs of Idlib governorate. The village is under the joint control of armed opposition factions and Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham.

The Syrian Network for Human Rights stresses that the remnants of such weapons continue to pose a serious threat to civilians’ lives. We have released numerous reports on the issue of cluster munitions and other weapon remnants, in which we called for providing the necessary equipment to help local residents with removing explosive remnants.

We have also documented the repeated use of antipersonnel landmines by Syrian regime forces, which

continue to pose a major, long-term threat to residents, especially children, which will last for years.

We have recorded hundreds of injuries resulting from these weapons and cluster munitions remnants. The international community needs to intervene to protect civilians in Syria from the ongoing bloodbath in Syria.

Child killed in a cluster munition blast in western Idlib, November 20