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HomeNewsSyrian regime forces bombarded Tafas city in Daraa on August 10


Syrian regime forces bombarded Tafas city in Daraa on August 10

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On August 10, 2022, the Syrian regime forces fired mortar shells on Tafas city in the western suburbs of Daraa governorate, during clashes between Syrian regime forces and fighters from the city as the regime forces attempted to raid the southern neighborhoods of the city. The clashes led to many of the residents of the southern neighborhoods to be displaced to safer neighborhoods inside the city, as they feared the continuous clashes and bombardment. Five individuals were wounded due to the bombardment on the city, as the targeted areas were damaged.

SNHR condemns all bombardment on civilian populated areas perpetrated by the Syrian regime forces, as well as the nondiscrimination between these areas and military objectives.

Syrian regime forces bombarded Tafas city in Daraa on August 10, 2022