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HomeNewsArrestSDF abducted a media activist in N. Hasaka governorate on June 3


SDF abducted a media activist in N. Hasaka governorate on June 3

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A member of the media office of the Assyrian Democratic Organization affiliated with the Peace and Freedom Front, named as Husam Alkass, from al Malekiya city in the northern suburbs of Hasaka suburbs, was kidnaped by Syrian Democratic Forces gunmen on June 3, 2021, after they beat him in al Souq area in the city center over his criticism of the SDF’s conscription policy on his Facebook account, and taken to an undisclosed location.
SNHR notes that no member of the civilian’s family was informed of his arrest or whereabouts, with his phone being confiscated, preventing him from contacting his family. SNHR fears that he will be subjected to torture and ultimately classified as forcibly ‘disappeared’, like approximately 85 percent of all detained persons in Syria.
We can confirm that at least 3,784 Syrian citizens are still detained or forcibly disappeared in the SDF’s detention centers, constituting a grave threat to the detainees’ wellbeing, given the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.