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HomeNewsCasualtiesCivilian killed in shelling by a drone we believe was Russian in...


Civilian killed in shelling by a drone we believe was Russian in W. Hama governorate on April 19

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A 34-year-old man from Balyoun village in the southern suburbs of Idlib governorate, named as Ahmad Mustafa al Rabea, who worked as a fisherman, was killed while another civilian was injured when a drone which we believed was Russian fired a missile at the banks of al Asi River in Kherbet al Naqous village in the western suburbs of Hama governorate on April 19, 2021.
Russian forces have committed another violation of international humanitarian law through this indiscriminate shelling which stresses the distinction between civilians and combatants. We have documented thousands of killings perpetrated by Russian forces since Russia’s intervention in Syria on September 30, 2015, with the death toll of Syrian civilians killed by these forces already passing 6,800. The international community must intervene to protect civilians from the ongoing killings.