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HomeNewsCasualtiesA child died in government detention center, February 23


A child died in government detention center, February 23

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Child Udai Awad Al-Eissa, from Homs – Al-Wa’r neighborhood, 17-years-old, he was arrested by government forces three years ago, his family told on 23 February, 2015 us that he was tortured to death in Sydnaya prison.

الطفل عدي عوض العيسى، من أبناء حي الوعر بحمص، يبلغ من العمر 17 عاماً، اعتقلته القوات الحكومية منذ 3 سنوات، أخبرنا أهله في 23 شباط 2015 أنهم تأكدوا من خبر وفاته تحت التعذيب في سجن صيدنايا.

عدي عوض العيسى